Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin

Our Vision is that all youth achieve their full potential.

81% agreed their Big changed their perspective on what they thought possible in life.
— Harris Interactive Survey of Former LIttles


We're trying to match our waitlist of children with a Big that complements their interests. We have a record number of children on our agency waitlist and need your help! Here are a few of the interests our children have listed:

  • Outdoors Adventurers

  • STEM Experimenters

  • Swimmers

  • Sports Fanatics

  • Lego Tinkerers

  • Car Enthusiasts

  • DIY Extraordinaires

If this sounds like you, we'd love to tell you more about how you can build a friendship with a child who needs one. Take the first step by filling out the form on BBBSA’s website. You’ll be prompted to enter your ZIP code first to direct you to the right programs.

The Janet E. Proctor Scholarship

is awarded to a former “Little” enrolled at an accredited institution of higher education. Mentor or Mentee experience, Character, Attitude, Academic History, Initiative, and Involvement in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin activities are factors considered in awarding the scholarship. The scholarship award is a minimum of $1000.00.

Find out more about The Janet E. Proctor Scholarship →

Buy or Donate Gently Used Sporting Goods to Support Mentoring

Sporting World is owned and operated by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin to generate needed funding for 1-to-1 youth mentoring. Visit our store at 707A N. Main Street in River Falls, WI.

Find out more about Sporting World →


Volunteer to Defend Potential

Our core volunteer need is always more mentors; especially Big Brothers!  But we know it's not the best fit for everyone.  Luckily, there are many ways you can help start children on the road to success.  Check out some of our other volunteer oppotunities.

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